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    ''one day i was lying on my back, thinking about things. He asked me wat i was thinking. I didn't want to tell Him. He looked at me. I realised he knew every thing i was thinking. I remember a verse, 'nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account' (hebrew 4:13)
    I told Him i didn't want anyone to know my thoughts. I was ashamed of them. 'Where did you get them?', He asked. Some came from books i read. Some came from films, or music i listened to. I didn't know where some thought came from. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, 'i will help you. But you must do some thing too. Stop feeding your mind with dirty things. Feed it with God's word. 'let the word of Christ dwell in you richly...' (colossians 3:16). It will give you good things to think about. I will wash the dirt in your mind. My word is like water. It makes your mind clean. The Holy Spirit will help you do these things.'
    I started to think about God's Word whenever i could. My thought are slowly changing. I don't think about dirty things so much. I think about things that are 'true...noble...right...pure...lovely...admirable...excellent or praiseworthy' (Philippians 4:8)'


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