*The Monster of Debt*
Many families really have to struggle in order to survive financially. They dream of someday achieving financial stability, even if it is Just having enough to buy the basics. But many times this dream never comes true. Unemployment and inadequate, unfair pay can make the problem even more serious. The ideal situation, of course,  would be to avoid falling into debt, but, unfortunately, many families today have been unable to keep from doing so.
Be careful! Buying things on credit by making small monthly payments (with lots of interest) can  lead you dangerously close to the edge of the cliff. Try not to make payments of that are only going to decrease in value. It's possible to live without some things until you are able to save your money and pay cash for them by saving a part of each month's income.
When the subject is money, there must be open, objective and sincere communication between a husband and wife. Conflict in this area can easily lead to divorce if we're not careful. When the decision is made to do everything necessary in order to get out of debt, and stay out of debt, each person in the family has to be willing to sacrifice. It is worth the effort in the long run. 
Most Christian couples spent very little time praying together for their families and the problems they face, including financial problems. The widow in 2 Kings 4:1-7 had absolutely no way of paying her husband's debt. She was about to see her two children taken away to be the slaves of the man to whom he owed the money. In desperation, she sought the Lord's help through Elisha, his prophet and her need was miraculously supplied. 
The same God who supplied the poor widow's need is able to free us from financial difficulty. He wants to help us and desires that we would pray and ask for his wisdom and orientation. Financial freedom will not only benefit you (by making it possible to get a good night's sleep again!), but your whole family and the kingdom of God.

 _(Adopted from Family Bible KJV 2004_ )


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ECWA Church  History