A Good Sunday School Teacher

🔥🔥 *How to be a Good Sunday School Teacher* 🔥🔥
Being a good Sunday School teacher requires knowing *God* , yourself, your material, and your students.

The following checklist is meant to assist you in paying attention to these essential matters.

🔥1. Be Sure of Your Ground.
📌Have assurance of your own per­sonal salvation.

📌Be absolutely and unreservedly committed to the Bible as the inspired Word of God.

📌Make sure that your relationship with others in your church is right.

📌Make sure that you have a good reason for teaching Sunday school.

🔥2. Know what You're Doing.
📌Recognize that one goal of Sunday school is evangelism.

📌Realize that evangelism is not incompatible with nurturing Cov­enant children.

📌Coordinate your work with other church programs (e.g., Bible study, midweek prayer, youth fellowship...) and with your pastor's sermons.

📌Remember that you're discipling lives, not stuffing heads.

🔥3. Understand Biblical Theology.
📌One helpful resource is Covenants, by Palmer Robertson (available from Great Commission Publications).

📌Never leave Christ out of an Old Testament lesson.

📌Never leave the Old Testament out of the gospel.

📌Always consider how the "already/not yet" analysis applies.

📌Always consider how the story, text, or event with which you are dealing fits into the history of redemp­tion and into the rest of Scripture.

🔥4. Love Your Students.
📌Try to understand each student's personal needs.

📌Phone/visit absentees promptly.

📌Spend some time with students/children outside of class.

📌Pray for your students/children individu­ally and regularly.

 ~📌Never~ "wing it" when you are unprepared; admit it and do some­thing else during class time, rather than trying to teach the lesson anyway.💥💥💥

🔥5. Teach with Enthusiasm.
📌Don't hide your joy, sorrow, etc.

📌Prepare your lesson early in the week.

📌Make the lesson "pinch." Make sure the teaching in it is applied.

📌Know the point of the lesson exactly.

📌Try out the point of the lesson on your spouse or roommate (if you have one), and take his or her reaction seriously.

🔥6. Exercise Discipline.
📌Discipline shouldn't be a prob­lem, if everything else is solid.

📌If a problem occurs, don't embarrass the offender in class; talk to him/her outside of class.💥

📌Impress on the student the urgency of the matter and the importance of the class.

📌If necessary, talk to the child/student's parents and enlist their help.

🔥7. Miscellaneous Helps.
📌Singing with your class, using any musical instrument, is excellent.

📌Visuals and object lessons (especially from the area of your own expertise) are powerful aids to teaching.

📌Memory drills, with rewards, are usually welcomed.

📌Don't rush; give your students/children time to think about what you've said.

📌Don't use class time for small talk/gisting.

📌Ordinarily, it is preferable to teach less material better, rather than more material worse.

📌Congratulate/appreciate your children/students for their attentiveness, cooperation, etc.

📌Ask your pastor to visit your class unannounced sometime, and don't ask him to pray, teach, or do anything else.💥💥💥💥

📌Whenever it is possible and relevant, stress the importance of obedience to parents.💥

📌Be a model to your students (as was Paul to Timothy).

📌Remember that knowledge is unto life.

                        Uncle John Jonah
 _(Adapted from christianstudylibrary.org)_


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