my grandmother

*🔥My Grandmother🔥*

I loss my paternal grandmother few years ago! She was know for one thing! GENEROSITY/SACRIFICE!
(As in, she fit share food for house come forget herself 😂)

She was so kind to people both old and young. She always remembered for her kindness!
I loved her so much and I believed that her love😍 for her grandchildren was  genuine. She is long gone to be with the Lord.

To be honest, i am just remembering some of her virtues as i am writing this article!
This is to show how fast we forget people when they are gone!
One have to rack his brain to be able to remember the characters of our love ones that have passed away, whether good or bad.

Some times we even forget that some of our love ones are no longer alive! Hmmmm life goes on you know! 
Even though sometimes, our love ones may leave a vacuum that no one else can filled, yet that vacuum is only known/felt by few individuals especially the closest relation. And you will hear words like "hey, you need to move on he/she is gone forever" 

That is where I am heading to!👇
📌No matter what you accumulate here on earth, it will vanish within  a short moment and will be long forgotten once you turn your back!
📌No matter how good you are at your place of work, thinking that "they" can't do without you. hmmm! The day you kick the bucket, your replacement may be at the door ready to over even before your burial!😁
📌Ah! Think about it, what can you really remember about your grandfather or great grandfather (actually I didn't meet mine, and all I was told about them was like a story or myth to me😳). They were heroes of there time yet I can't understand/appreciate their heroic achievements! Yes, They are long gone! 
📌😭one day I will go home and my grandchildren will forget (will not understand) all the struggles, the hustle or my achievements. Shikenan!😨

The question is, what will I be remembered for?

🔊Like song says:
 _Fading away like the stars of the morning,_
_Losing their light in the glorious sun_
_Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling,_
_Only remembered by what we have done._ 

_Only remembered, only remembered,_
_Only remembered by what we have done;_
_Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling,_
_Only remembered by what we have done._

🤷‍♂️What will you be remembered for?
Good or Bad, Think about it!

_Written by John Jonah_


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